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Tuesday, 2024-04-23

Here is the great presentation on people matters in Agile teams - Tuning the Agile Team Engine by Tom Wessel

Main takeaways:

Book must read - The Human Side of Agile - How to Help Your Team Deliver by Gil Broza.

Servant leadership: isolate team from distractions, screen-off pressure, facilitate resources, delegate - make people accountable.

Feel of Purpose, Mastery and Autonomy are the components for workplace happiness (Motivated Performance).

Team dynamics: it may take up to 5 months to get a team in the shape, going through Forming (1 month), Storming (2 months), Norming (2 months) before the team becomes Performing.

Team Smells - agile "antipatterns". "Stars" can be toxic.

Performance reviews: Team Based vs. Stack Ranking (individual).

Personality tests for members psychological compatibility: Try DISC.

Views: 645 | Added by: ep | Date: 2015-05-06 | Comments (0)

Here are great and free data visualization libraries for Python:




The author - Luke Campagnola is looking for funds to go to SciPy Conference conference. He will be glad to get you donations at GoFundMe.

Views: 634 | Added by: ep | Date: 2015-05-03 | Comments (0)

For those who want to get a bit of reward for their blogging, that is NOT for paid writing. Read further if you are looking for getting reward as by-product to your writing, like a pleasant bonus.

So far I have discovered two practical ways: Use paying platform, or apply for an ad program on your own.

Paying Platform

From what I read, most partner blogging sites do have requirements on the quality of content, the content could be moderated, you will be sharing your "income" with the platform. On the positive side - you can get ads rolling from the get go.

Below some examples of partner blogging web-sites, which offer second level domains (like mysupercoolblog.payingplatform com).

They have their own HubPages Ad Program and you can hook up to Google AdSense, or partner programs with Amazon or eBay alongside. I don't know if HubPages gives you a head start once you apply to Google, Amazon or eBay, but chances are - they do. Only 60% of ads may earn money for you. The content quality requirements are quite high and whole bunch of topics is restricted.


Apply to Ad Programs Independently

If you feel lucky :-) Start blogging somewhere, and try to hook up some ads independently. The risk is - you won't be approved by an advertising network. I think most programs will open their doors once you get 6000 views per month. The benefit - you are not *that* restricted on your content.

Other ways considered

Get direct advertising - err, seem to be too much work.

Donations - forget it, unless you are really exceptional :-)

Want more info on paid blogging? 20 Sites To Get Paid For Writing And Blogging – Best Of, 26 Sites That Pay You To Blog

Views: 683 | Added by: ep | Date: 2015-05-03 | Comments (0)

Simple bash script to save all users' crontabs to files. Quite handy when need to inspect what jobs are scheduled to run on a system. The script can be helpful when you need to migrate or back up your Linux system.

It goes through the list of all users on a Linux system and saves whatever all existing crontabs to files. I have it tested on Amazon Linux AMI and on Ubuntu. It also shall work on whatever RedHat family system, like Fedora, CentOS, Simply Linux. Basically whatever supporting "crontab -l -u <user>" shall do.

Copy-paste the bash code to a file. chmod the file to be executable. Run it as root or with sudo.

while read line
  u=`echo "$line" | cut -d: -f1`
  c=`crontab -u $u -l`
  if [ $? == 0 ]; then
    echo "$c" > "$u.ct"
    echo "saved crontab for $u to $u.ct"
done < /etc/passwd
Views: 589 | Added by: ep | Date: 2015-05-02 | Comments (0)

If you want to go hardcore and build your own monitoring server, there is quite a bunch of free options. I was considering system monitoring solutions accompanied by Android Apps and Android home screen widgets:

Zabbix was my find #1, beyond Zenoss (which I am already familiar with). Zabbr (Zabbix Widget) is available at Google Play. If you want widget and a full scale app, then ZAX Zabbix Systems Monitoring can probably helpful. Overall there is quite a bunch of Zabbix apps, just search the Play Store for Zabbix.

Zenoss. If you want it free, look for Community edition. As for the app: Rhybudd - Zenoss for Android does have a neat widget putting Current Event Counts to your Android home screen. Requires special ZenPack. Zen Admin Core is another decent app for Zenoss management from Android is Zen Admin Core, it does not provide a widget.

Nagios - even though "nobody likes it" it is quite wide spread and has a great deal of Nagios Android apps on Play Store.

Last, but not least, I came across Icinga2. I did not find any dedicated Android apps for Icinga, but overall this monitoring system looks very interesting.

Views: 1193 | Added by: ep | Date: 2015-04-19 | Comments (0)

Looked for a no-frills monitoring solution which could do basic web-site availability. Main requirements were: Free. Support more than 3 servers to monitor. Android app, preferable with home screen widget. Quick set-up.

The winner so far:

Site-Monitoring.NET - simple yet powerful free web monitoring service by IdeaMK. It does simple URL polls over HTTP/HTTPS in 10, 15, 30 minutes or 1 hour intervals. It looks for certain HTTP responses and web-page text.

Site-Monitoring.net provides convenient web interface for monitor settings and stats. You may also install its Android home screen widget from GooglePlay - WebsiteMonitoring. The widget does make it really outstanding :-) If you install it, and do not see it in your Apps - that's normal. Look for it in widgets, stick it to your home screen and go from there.

Alerts can be sent over email or SMS. SMS alerting is the only paid option.

Monitoring is totally free. You only have to pay if you want SMS alerts to your phone. The other way to support project is to donate money over PayPal.

Other free web site monitoring services considered

Monitor.Us - true all-in-one monitoring service. Provides full range of checks, including service statuses and system health. Can check things from variety of geographical locations. Freeware version of Monitis. Has apps for Android and Apple devices. Has native agents for MS Windows and Linux servers to get system data. No home screen widgets.

NOC Zone - Looks quite comprehensive. Does have Android App - Server Monitor: Website status. Free account supports up to 2 servers. No Android home screen widget.

UptimeRobot - status code checks every 5 minutes, besides the usual HTTP(S) check includes ping. Can check things from variety of geographical locations. Alerts via e-mail, SMS, Twitter, web-hooks or push. I did not find any mobile apps nor widget.

Views: 697 | Added by: ep | Date: 2015-04-18 | Comments (0)

Perl is full of neat one-liners. You can get string regex matches right into an array. It is best shown with example:

To make it interesting let's take some HTML-like markup:


and capture name attribute's values to an array:

@result = $input =~ /(?:\<name=\")(.+?)(?:\"\/>)/g;

As you see the actual capture happens in the middle of regex: "(.+?)", and /g forces the match to repeat over and over.

If we spice up the code with little bit of data dumping:

use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\@names);

we'll observe

$VAR1 = [

Just as required :-)
Views: 640 | Added by: ep | Date: 2015-04-08 | Comments (0)

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